Enabling Innovative Drug Discovery with Advanced Technologies
Computational Sciences uses physics-based algorithms and computers to simulate chemical events and calculate chemical properties of atoms and molecules, which are proven can significantly accelerate the long and costly drug discovery process. HitGen computational sciences include the following functions to offer a series of services to support your drug discovery project during all phases.
HitGen Inc.
Building C2, NO.8, Huigu 1st East Road
Tianfu International Bio-Town,
Shuangliu District, Chengdu City,
Sichuan Province,P.R. China
Tel : +86-28-8519-7385
HitGen Pharmaceuticals Inc.(US Subsidiary)
Tel : +1-(508)-840-9646
Vernalis (R&D) Limited (UK Subsidiary)
Granta Park,Great Abington
Cambridge,CB21 6GB
United Kingdom
Tel : +44(0)1223-895555
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