Welcome to HitGen

HitGen Inc.

Enable Innovative Drug Discover with DEL, FBDD and SBDD

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About Us

HitGen Inc. (SSE: 688222.SH), is a drug discovery research company with headquarters in Chengdu, China, and subsidiaries in Cambridge, UK and Houston, USA. HitGen has established leading technology platforms to enable the discovery and optimization of small molecules and nucleic acid drugs. Our key technology platforms include world-leading DNA-encoded library technology (DEL), fragment-based drug discovery and structure-based drug design technologies (FBDD/SBDD), as well as the emerging technology platforms for oligonucleotide-based therapeutics (OBT), and targeted protein degradation technology (TPD). Through our diverse and flexible business models, we have built up collaboration partnership with several hundred biopharmaceutical research organizations worldwide. HitGen has multiple programmes from early discovery to clinical trial stage.

For more information, please call +86-28-85197385, +1-508-840-9646 or visit www.hitgen.com.

For media inquiries: media@hitgen.com 

For investor inquiries: investors@hitgen.com

For business development: bd@hitgen.com

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